A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

on a mission

well, if i wasn't on a mission before, i certainly am now. i just finished watching the factory farming episode of the big O, and although i didn't see or hear much farm information that i didn't already know, it did spark a few ideas for some personal experiments, not to mention that i now have to research proposition 2 that is up for vote in california. i for one welcome the come back of the family farm, but this legislation sounds like it will effect many larger family farms causing them to close down. so as of yet, i am on the fence till further research. i think real difference is going to have to come from the consumer. i understand that certain types organic/locally produced food cost more, some times more than twice as much. but if you start to think about the health differences these foods make, what is the price one is willing to pay? plus i know when i eat CRAP, i feel like CRAP. have people become so accustom to feeling like crap that they equate that feeling as normal. when did a pop tart become an acceptable breakfast? when did women start to believe that in order to be fit and trim, they had to follow crazy cabbage soup diets? when did bread, something that people have been eating for... well forever, become bad? also, since when did eating right have to be expensive? so, here is a few ideas that i am now bouncing around in my head.

1. i am glad that i did NOT eat chick-fila for lunch, but instead ate at the indian restaurant downtown and chose the veggie (however not vegan) items.

2. what if i took the average amount of money folks at my work spent at the grocery store, and use that as a budget to purchase the food here at my house? can i buy and cook like i do only spending what my co-workers spend??? don't know, but sounds interesting.

3. how will our desire to eat bbq at least once in a weekend factor into this? will i have to learn how to cook my own bbq from pasture raised local pork?

4. will i ever get my local food photo project off the ground?

5. is it safe to start a post on tuesday only to finish it on saturday after drinking 1/2 a glass of high gravity beer? (gee-whiz what a light weight!)

6. is it smart to follow last night's late night diner of pumpkin pancakes with a cup of very strong coffee and aforementioned high gravity beer? can i market this idea as the new trendy colon cleanse? uh-oh!!! gotta go!!!

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