A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Saturday, January 24, 2009

soup, meat loaf, soup, meat loaf.......

lots and lots of soup and meat loaf eating going on around here. some good, some..... well, not bad, but nothing to write home about. so until i finish making my shirt, get around to posting the pecan adventure pictures, find time to tell you what i am planning for the garden this year, or tell you how my bread and rabbit experiment goes tomorrow, i leave you with this....

from facebook: 25 things about me.

1. i am totally in love with ray, maisy, and cleveland, and even after 8 years of ray and i being together we still can't find the time or energy to go get married, so if it's ain't broke, why fix it? although i call him my husband anyway.
2. i am VERY!!!! OCD about my desk at work, however my house can be a complete disaster and not care, don't even look inside my very dirty and dusty car.
3. i have to check the kettle, coffee maker, and stove 3 times before i leave the house to make sure they are off. front and back door locks are also checked about three times.
4. although i think we would make super groovy parents, i don't really want to have children. they are cute and all, but boy do they take up your time, energy, and money, so i will enjoy other's kids and come home to peace and quiet.
5. i have a tattoo. it is in chinese script and I have decided to change the meaning depending on the conversation.
6. t.v. will suck out your soul, so i have narrowed down my t.v. consumption to "survivor" and "the big bang theory." (will be renting "big love" on DVD)
7. i am trying to start jogging with the hopes of running a 5K without stopping.
8. i dig photography and am working on a few projects.
9. i'm learning to sew and will be making an amish dress and apron as soon as i find the right pattern.
10. i'm interested in communal communities (amish, shaker, hutterite, etc.), even though i am not super religious, and these communities are.
11. my spiritually is my own with no definable deity.
12. i like all things vintage.
13. i drink local pasture grazed all natural raw jersey cow milk.
14. i am a hippie and tree hugger at heart. (and soon I may have the homemade clothes to match)
15. i am currently working on the plans for my garden, so it can be bigger and mulch mulch better than last year.
16. oh yeah, after that last one, it is evident that i am a dork.
17. i am sooooo going to try canning and preserving this year.
18. i like to cook simple food. irish soda bread is my current favorite. jamie oliver rules, and this weekend i am going to cook my first wild rabbit. i have made raised rabbit twice now, but the new meat given to me by my hunter boss i really quite rustic.
19. i want to build a bread oven, but right now i don't have anywhere to put it.
20. i want to learn how to keep, run, and cook from a real live chuck wagon. oh i want one sooooo bad. i'm currently obsessed with my new cast iron cookware and want to learn to cook over an open flame.
22. i secretly wish that lots of people would read my little blog and leave comments, because that makes me super happy. (i told you i was a dork!!!)
23. i haven't bought kitchen garbage bags in about 2 years.
24. i refuse to buy anymore "useless stuff" and I need to either start using or get rid of my current "useless stuff."

if you read all that.. YOU RULE!!!

and in response to #20 my sister informed me of this super cool festival happening in late february over in pigeon forge, tn..... saddle up. they are going to have a chuck wagon cook off and i am SOOOOO going!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

who has time to blog when there is facebook

help me! i have been sucked into the facebook void, but i must say it certainly is fun. denise from high school started a group on facebook revolving around the years when mr. hamburg was our band director. that's right, i was in the marching band. freshman year i marched flute and then sophomore and junior year i was on the rifle line in the colorguard. senior year i left the marching band crew for a even more cool, or honestly dorky (depends on how you view them), group of kids....the drama club. anyway, it seems every time i log on there is more and more new pictures to wade through, memories to relive, and folks to chat with. my house work, kitchen adventures, and time spent with ray and the puppies, unfortunately, had fallen by the waist side. basically i've been neglecting my life. so today i logged off, well for the most part. it has been a day of catching up with my blog, getting out and taking some pictures, lovin on the pups, cleaning the house (but only just a bit), and making pizza. to give you an idea of my neglectful self here is an example of the half ass diners that i have been serving up at the trish and ray household. luckily, when you start with really good tasty ingredients, even the simplest of diners, although lacking in inspiration, can be yummy.

in addition to the several pb&js (for ray) and the bowls of soup with cheese toast (for me), i also threw together this little diddy for diner last week.
homemade rolls topped with raw milk cheese, free range local chicken sausage, and the last of the homemade salsa.

so please stay tuned, and bear with me as i get back into the blogging swing of things and play catch up with whats been going on around here, while trying to stay on top of current household events.