At the community plot down the street I am trying out a few new items in my first ever over wintering project. Here we have two rows of fava beans, some garlic starting to sprout up, left over scallions still hanging on from the spring/summer season, and in the bottom corner two swiss chard plants.
community garden plot december 2012 |
community garden plot december 2012 |
As to the garden in the backyard, it's doing ok. I planted some turnips which are doing really well. Turnips are pretty much my go to veggie at the moment. They are easy to grow and always seems to work out for me in both the early spring and fall. I also planted mustard greens and collard greens, which grew a bit, but then stopped growing all together. I still plan on harvesting a bit of those two in the coming weeks. I put out some cabbage, fennel, and kohrobi seeds that failed to really get going, so I'll try those again in the early spring.
backyard garden plot december 2012 |
Well, that's it for now. Time to walk down to the community garden plot and see how the straw is fairing.