A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

run, fat girl, run!!

that's right, my chunky monkey self is starting, yet again, another couch to 5K plan and steph, from over at adventures in parenting, is lead the way. my motivation for this comes in various forms...

1. health - exercise is a must for a long healthy life. it keeps bones healthy and muscles strong.
2. weight loss - honestly, i am about 30 pounds overweight (thanks a lot cookies...oh, and pies, and cakes, and oh yeah don't forget butter), but i will take a nice 20 lb weight loss.
3. once the weight is off, running will become my excuse to eat all the healthy but super yummy foods that i want, along with the occasional cookie, oh, and pie, and cake, and butter, without the loads and loads of guilt that currently accompanies these items.
4. shopping!!!!!! i want cute clothes. not a huge closet full, but a few super cute pieces.
5. sewing. one of my new year goals is to learn to sew and i want to look better in my groovy new super cute clothes that i plan on making for myself.
6. because i want to say "i can run 5K."

so folks wish me well. and if you see me out there feel free to come up behind me and scream "run, fat girl, run!!!"

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