A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

rutledge falls, tn

nothing like a little nature hike to get you out of the house on a holiday morning. last saturday while we were still hanging out in tullahoma, tn, it was definitely time to get out and get some exercise after all the food that we had been feasting on for about a week. can you say, "bloated." so ray, my sister, and i decided to take a little walk around rutledge falls which is about 2-3 miles down the road from my grandparents. the rest of the day was filled with visiting some family, poking around in some antiques shops in bell buckle, and then topping off our vacation with dinner and blue grass at miller's grocery. but more about that later. for now here are some pictures of the falls.

rutledge falls sits on private property that the owners so graciously allow the public to explore. this is my favorite house and property in all of tullahoma with my nannie and papa's place coming in a super close second. as it turns out my grandparents have 17, yes 17, pecan trees in their huge yard.

i could have sooo many goats, chickens, and a few cows on this land.

falls. check out the house in the upper left corner. i am so jealous.
just imagine having your morning coffee on the back porch and listening to the water.
ok, where's my john denver record?
country roads take me home!!!!!!!

almost heaven.
bet there is some seriously good summer swimming there.

this picture needs dolly singing in the background.

snails. 100s of them everywhere.
but watch out, those rocks are slippery.
oops to late....now the rear end is wet.

look close, they're everywhere!!!!

baby when i met you there was piece unknown.
i set out to get you with a fine tooth comb.
i was soft inside, there was something going on.
you do something to me that i can't explain.
hold me closer and i feel no pain.
every beat of my heart, we got something going on.
islands in the stream,
that is what we are.........

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