A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

fun farm day

1 weeks old chicks

after not really having much in the way of festivals or events going on around here, it was nice to venture out to sharon rose farm today for their family fun farm day. and fun it was, even though ray didn't get to pet anything. but we did get to see some baby chicks, pigs, some sheep, laying chickens, a few cows, and two geese. i wish i had more pictures to share with you, but i forgot to charge my camera and my battery died on me half way through the farm tour. we also picked up another pound of really good bacon and a pork roast to cook for thanksgiving dinner. that's right folks. i have decided to forgo the turkey. i must say we are really not the biggest fans of turkey. but don't worry we are planning on having a good bit of the other traditional fare..... garlic buttermilk mashed potatoes, sage cornbread dressing, onion cheddar biscuits, and a cranapple cobbler. now i just gotta figure out how i'm gonna to cook the pork roast. boil vs. braise vs. roast. what to do, what to do??

more baby chicks

little piggies enjoying life in the great open pasture..... just as they should.

berkshire pigs

hey big mama

here's also a quick look as to what has been harvested from the garden so far this fall and some recent pictures from the garden taken the other night.

the little radish patch didn't turn out so well. this is all that grew for me.

i did get a few nice size turnip though. i made a mash out of these with some potatoes and carrots.

i also got some leeks from the crazy leek section and used them in a red wine sauce for some venison cubed steak.

chinese cabbage. i steamed these with some mustard greens.

sink full of mustard greens.

the fall garden at night

mustard greens



looks like the sage survived the cold nights, but the basil is dead.

last of the basil harvested about a week or two ago.
as you can see, it is now really dark out by the time i get home.

the peas are blooming and not at all bothered by the chilly and cold nights. i went and looked at the peas this morning and quite a few pods are growing out there. can't wait to eat some fresh peas from the garden soon.

and now friends i must leave you to go get a nap in before my movie date with the pig girl.

1 comment:

Val at The Illustrated Garden said...

Oh, wow. I have pea envy - ours are just coming up. We planted late this fall, because it rained unceasingly week after week at the time we usually plant. Your fall garden is looking good!