A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Friday, July 30, 2010

fish pepper = hot, hot, hot!

Fish Peppers (the small yellow and green ones on the right. chervena chushka peppers on the left), capsicum annuumm, "a pre-1870s African-American heirloom, medium hot." wait, back up, medium hot. MEDIUM HOT my rear end!! one tinny wienie little bite of that sucker set my mouth on fire.

"pendent fruits 2-3 inches long ripen from cream with green stripes to orange with brown stripes to all red." all red,  oops. did i harvest them to soon? does their heat decrease when fully ripen?? these are things i guess i will have to look into.

"perfect for salsa." yeah we'll see about that.

"beautiful green and white variegated foliage." you got that right!!! this is one of the main reasons i got this variety to try and grow. my fantasy is to plan and grow a beautiful and bountiful edible landscape. something i can grow in my front yards to be both attractive and tasty. and so far, even though they are a bit hotter than i expected, these little gems fit the bill ever so nicely.

just look at those pretty leaves. poor little plants had a rough start of it in the hard hard red dirt of the two front flower beds. but since i've moved them to better soil they have thrived and now i have lots of tiny little flowers that are just about ready to pop out some fruit. the plant above (and just below) was moved into a container with some herbs and a couple of marigolds. they are only supposed to get about 1-2 feet high and will bush out a bit when given the room.

so pretty in a container.

and they are providing a bit of cool shade for my little cilantro plant.

they even look pretty in the ground. definitely going to grow these again next year..... 
wherever i am.

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