A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

back in business..... for now.

garden harvest  8/15/2010

well is seems that blogger has switched back to the previous picture uploader.... for now at least. so here is a quick look at the tomato plants which are just about done for this season. the HBPL on the far left that you see hanging over a bit has now been removed. if i wasn't trying to sell the house, i would have tied it up some and waited for the tomatoes that were on it to finish ripening. but i can't really have any half dead plants lingering around right now. so i pulled of the tomatoes, cut down the plant, and i'm planning to have fried green tomatoes with some cheesy shrimp and grits later this week for supper.

tomato plants mid august 2010. these babies are just about done for. 

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