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Thursday, January 13, 2011

healthy?? tasty?? banana bread??

so i'm not sure exactly sure how "healthy" this bread is (it's got honey in it, and sugar is sugar) and you might not like the taste of the bread (kinda depends on what your sweet index is), but i'm gonna post the recipe anyway cause over the last week i've grown to actually really like this bread as my afternoon snack. oddly enough, as much as i like deserts, i'm not really game for things that are overly sweet on a daily basis. so if your looking for something a bit naughty that you can fool yourself into thinking that is really really good for you, try this bread. not to mention that is does have chocolate in it and that makes everything good. unless of course you are one of those folks who don't like chocolate, then i have nothing for you, you alien freak of nature.

banana bread with nuts and chocolate
(based off a recipe i found in "yogurt cookery" by kay shaw nelson)
1 cup white flour
1 cup white wheat flour
1/4 cup honey
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 large mashed bananas
2/3 cup yogurt
2 oz. melted butter
1 egg
2 oz. chopped nuts (i had walnuts and pecans)
2 oz. chopped chocolate (i used left over ghirardelli chocolate squares from the frig)

put the flours, BP, BS, and salt in a bowl and mix well. combine the bananas, yogurt, honey, melted butter, and egg in another bowl and mix well. add the dry and wet ingredients together and mix to blend. stir in the nuts and chocolate then pour batter into buttered loaf pan and bake at 375 degrees till done. i think mine took about and hour. you can generally tell when it's ready buy one or all of the following.
1. you can smell the bread from the living room
2. the sides of the loaf start to pull away from the pan (i used a cast iron one) 
3. the top looks nice and brown and feels firm to the touch
4. you insert a knife or cake tester into the center and it comes out clean

now i have yet to make a banana bread that really and truly taste like bananas, not to mention that i am all out of bananas, so i think for the next loaf i am going to try the peanut butter bread recipe from the same book with the addition of chocolate bits of course. because chocolate is what's its all about. 

1 comment:

Sunya said...

Looks yummy, I will have to try. But here is the best banana bread I have ever had and you can even taste the banana chunks.
