last saturday night was radish shoot harvest night. if my calculations are correct, it took just over two weeks to get a nice little group of edible greens right here in the midst of winter. the only complaint i have at the moment is that there wasn't enough of them. so, for the next go round, i'm gonna find me a bigger container and experiment with different seeds. and for some clarification, i think i might have called these guys sprouts in an earlier post, which is not correct. sprouts come from seeds grown in water. oops. i also read today that these little gems only need 4 hours of sunlight a day. while they went to town in the south window light, i'm gonna try them in the east facing living room window that is shaded just a bit by a currently leafless tree. soon the south facing window space is gonna be taken over by the tomatoes, who are starting to get their true leaves and are in need of their first transplanting. it would be really nice if i could find some rectangular second hand containers that were at least 2 inches deep and fit nicely on the windowsill. then, once i experiment some more with different seeds, i'll start interplanting different varieties of microgreens together that will make for not only tastey, but also, pretty little displays. exciting!!!
just before the harvest. |
time to trim the roots and get a wash. |
sauteed in a little bit of butter with some left over radishes, topped over spaghetti squash with pasta sauced cooked with a bit of grounded bison, and all covered with a bit of kansas city cheese.
hello little local dinner. |
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