A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

almost ready for the peas/tomato update

would you just look at how my little veggie plot is coming. i figured i needed to add a couple of pathways to help reduce stepping on and compacting the soil. i "borrowed" some stones i found in the yard. i'm not sure what the landlord had in store for them, but for now, they're working as a little walkway in veggie plot #1. i'm really scared about getting veggie plot #2 done in time for planting. that plot is almost twice as big as this plot, and considering how long it's taking me to get this one finished, it's gonna interesting that's for sure. tomorrow i'm hoping to get the fence put up and some peas in the ground. yeah for peas!!!! the back row of this plot by the garage is definitely set aside for the tomatoes, and then in one square i'll put some peppers, but i'm not 100% sure about the other square. it all might end up just being tomatoes and peppers with inter planting some herbs. we'll see. while we think about that, let's check in on the tomato's progress......

oh so ready for the first transplanting

last friday i finally got around to transplanting some of the tomatoes into bigger containers. the crazy thing is, there are still tons more little guys to tend to. wow, yet again, so so many tomatoes!!!

the first true leaves of 2011.

luckily, the hubby is a big veggie garden supporter and saved his yogurt containers while we were apart so i have plenty. i used a soil mixture of 1/2 compost and 1/2 builders sand. i'm not sure when, or with what, i'll start feeding the tomato plants. in the past, i never really gave them much of anything except some worm castings every now and then. even during the growing season, once they went into the ground with a big helping of compost, i didn't feed them much. but i will mark down "feeding tomatoes" on my growing list of garden research that still needs to be done. for those who are interested, the tomatoes in the yogurt containers are the "great white" variety.

grow, tomatoes, grow!!!!!

i also started a new round of peppers. only 1 little garden sunshine pepper was produced from the first try. i'm really surprised that 1 plant even germinated. i had all but giving up on the peppers and had even stopped watering them. then all of a sudden one day, there it was, one lonely little pepper. (you can kind of see him in the picture above in the little pot on the middle tray next to the tomatoes in yogurt containers.) oh well, on to round two. i'm trying not to worry about this to much. we have been here before folks. this time i'm trying them in the little newspaper pots that i made and setting them on a heating pad to keep them warm. right now i am rotating the heat level from high to medium and then turning it off at night, or when we are away from the house for safety reasons. again, fingers crossed!!

keeping the babies warm.

(garden note to self: it took about 3 weeks from sowing the seeds for the tomatoes to get their first true leaves. the first round of peppers only produced 1 plant of garden sunshine. the second round of peppers were started on 3/4 and placed on a heating pad, rotating the heat from high to medium to off at night or when away from the house.)

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