A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

the dirty dozen for 2012

call them goals, call them resolutions, call them what you want, here are a few things i wish to work on for 2012....

1. eat better, exercise more, drop 20, 25, 30 pounds, blah, blah, blah....

2. be a nicer person and don't gossip. do what i wanna do, and don't tell others how to behave.

3. learn to knit.

4. sew a complete outfit.

5. work more on my bloggy blog.

6. spend more time in the kitchen learning new things, especially cheese making. 

7. brush my dogs' teeth at least every other day.

8. read 1 book a month.

9. keep up and organize the bill pile, along with organizing and downsizing the house.

10. create a 4 season garden that will hopefully, one day, provide all our produce.

11. enter at least 5 juried contests and take pictures, take pictures, take pictures........

12. spend more time, getting to where i'm going, by foot, bike, bus, or train.

and for our baker's dozen bonus....

13. GET CHICKENS!!!!!!!!!!!! 

happy new year. 
my best to you and yours.  


1 comment:

Sunya Sharp said...

I like those! I am going to borrow a couple of them.