my poor little garden. it's so sad. the hubby, champion for all things underdog, said it's never gonna improve if i don't stop talking crap about it and to give it a chance. i, of course, am ready to yank it all out and get ready for fall. but then he screams that it is only july and i should stop being so negative. so, i gave the little bugger some fish emulsion yesterday to see if it could bounce back from the terrible soil i planted it in and the retched heatwave we're having. only time will tell. i give it to mid august before i tear it up.
third round of the littlest harvest.
the two cherokee purple tomatoes that we ate were awesome!!!!
the two cherokee purple tomatoes that we ate were awesome!!!!
the tomato and pepper plot.
peppers on the right.... soooo small and only two tiny peppers so far.
thank goodness the juliet tomatoes are doing something.
waiting for the third cherokee purple to ripen.
very small green zebra.... waiting, waiting, waiting for them to also ripen.
plot #2: squash, one pepper, two eggplants.
one tiny little eggplant is a coming!!!!!!
hey, here's another one!!!!!!
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