A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Monday, January 14, 2013

A few changes.....

with the new year comes new plans for the new house and backyard, and a new direction for this here tiny blog. this morning i changed the web address causing google to think i have deleted my blog, which of course i did not. (with only 8 followers (all of which are totally awesome) i don't see that as a huge problem.) and it deleted a few of my side bar items, which again is ok since i am changing the direction of the blog a little bit. no more 3G project start and stops, and no more weird recipes with no real measurements. instead i will be giving you a peek into my tiny urban yard as i attempt to transform it into a little sustainable farmlette that i christened Chubby Chick Farms, complete with the following....

* worms
* organic veggie and herb gardens
* some edible landscaping in the front yard
* compost for yard waste and chicken manure
* cold frames and mini greenhouses
* a few craft projects thrown in here and there
* and whatever else i can think of........

first on the list is to build a brooder box for the baby chicks i hope to get in the next month or two.

not my chicken
and not to worry, there will be plenty of dog pictures as well. especially when we try to cohabitate the muddy paws gang with the chickens. now that alone is worth staying tuned folks!

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