A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

quick photo op with the kids

since i can't post anything about today's trip to the pumpkin festival (the battery to my digital camera is out of juice and in the charger), i decided to put up some recent pictures of the kids. i am trying to be more productive, photographically speaking, now that i have tuesdays off. when i got ready to go shoot the other day i realized that i still had a roll of positive film in the camera, but i wanted to shoot negatives. so what do you do? take pics of the pups! out into the yard we went. i'd been meaning to take some new pictures of cleveland now that he has turned a year old and is such a big handsome boy.

mommy's big handsome boy!!!!

"how you doin?"


maisy has an elvis lip.

sweet babies!!

moo is such a ham and mr. keebs looks soooo serious.

1 comment:

Sylvie said...

Great looking dogs and it's nice to know there are still others out there shooting film!