A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

comic relief

finally....i voted. the line was not really that bad this morning. ray and i got there shortly after 7:30 am and only had to wait about an hour to vote. other than having to listen to a few people in line talking small politics and if they were going to make it to work on time, not much interesting happened. well not until i got in the building to actually vote. the electronic touch pad voting threw me off a bit and of course the overwhelming paranoid feeling that my check mark wasn't next to the proper candidates for president. after going back a few times, and staring at it forever, to double check i finally got it done. now the waiting starts again. so with all the stress surrounding this whole election and my sickness, i though it would be fun to give you guys some comic relief.

line to vote this morning. not to bad.

hey look!!!
we are not the only democrats in our neighborhood.
who knew?? this is SC after all.

ok this isn't funny, but look at the pretty fall colors in my tree out front.

so relaxing.

pretty flowers. ok enough of that... now for some funny.

amanda, nicki, and me wearing amand's daughter's halloween costume.
this is what happens when it gets slow in the afternoon.

shake it baby!!!

i don't think they are going to fit.

i don't know what me and nicki were trying to do.

we went out to a haunted trail that evening, but not before we stopped for margaritas.

as soon as the nausea goes away i will start taking about food again. until then many many pointless posts will be coming your way.

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