A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

not for the faint of heart

nothing can side track you from a project like a good bout of vomerrhea. sorry to be so blunt folks, but this little incident has ruined my weekend and completely bummed me out and rendered me unable to discuss any kind of food other than apple juice and saltine crackers. it all started saturday morning at 2:42 am. i laid in bed for about 45 minutes debating and praying that as long as i didn't move, as long as i stayed perfectly still, the nausea would pass. nope!! i didn't pass, but it did come up. and up it came all night long. and then around 5 am is when the diarrhea started, sending me into full fledged vomerrhea. (you know i used to have a huge aversion to the word diarrhea, but i guess working 8 years in an animal hospital can cure anyone of that.) i was supposed to work on saturday, so around 6:30 i asked ray to go get my phone so i could call brittney (the other receptionist) and let her know that i was most definitely not coming in. looks like brittney tried to called me at 9:30 friday night. crap that doesn't sound good. brittney never calls me. turns out brittney started vomiting the night before and continued to do so all night long as well. oh yeah, did i mention that we had lunch from the same place on friday. food poisoning!!!!!! so unless you really want to here about the apples juice and saltine crackers i have been feasting on this weekend i will have to postpone my post for a few days till the tummy is feeling better. and you know what the worst part of all this is, not only have i only lost a few pounds (what good is vomerrhea if your not going to lose at least 5-10 pounds in a weekend) but i also missed the ANTIQUE FARM EQUIPMENT SHOW!!!! NOOOO!!!!!! i totally missed the chuckwagons. i am so horrible bummed you can't even imagine. i must go cry now.

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