A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

maple leaf cookies

i have now become a little obsessed with martha stewart living's cookie of the month. last month i made the cowboy cookies, and this month it was the maple leaf cookie. i made these cookies sometime last week during a rare moment away from the computer and facebook. i don't have a maple leaf shaped cookie cutter, but i do still have some tried and true vermont maple syrup in the frig. this syrup was brought back from vermont a while ago by a co-worker and has graced a few pancakes, but i have never used it in a cookie. now it's all i think about. like some other items from the kitchen lately, on the first night the cookies were good, but didn't really have a dominate maple flavor. but then as the week went on, they got better and better with a stronger and stronger maple taste. yum yum. i'm thinking i might make some for the folks at work for christmas. also on the cookie agenda, is a ginger cookie. i love the holidays.

getting the ingredients ready.

cute little maple cookies.


StephB said...

Try making your ginger cookies with mini choc chips inside. Mmm.

Anonymous said...

I was just googling Martha's "maple cookies" and wanted to comment. I made these yesterday and added chopped fresh rosemary on top instead of sugar, they were delicious!

Trish Sharp said...

sounds interesting....will try that in the future.