A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

spring babies at goat farm

spring means babies!!!!

the other weekend ray and i took a break from the never ending yard work to visit split creek farm during their spring means babies festival. and boy oh boy, were there ever some babies. baby goats everywhere and cute as can be. we also took this opportunity to purchase some of their delicious products. we got 1/2 gallon raw goat milk, a jar of feta cheese in the brine, and a bit of goat milk fudge. the feta cheese is wonderful and made a appearance in the swiss chard tart i made last night, (but more on that later since i am dead tired from all the garden work, and i must run to get ready for work. i have to leave early to hitch a ride with ray since the spare tire is currently on my car..... but again, more on that later). so for now lets enjoy some baby goats!!!!


i want one.

ahhh. how adorable!!!!


hey there little one.

ray was very excited to pet the babies.

he even liked it when they nibbled on him.

this little guy was his favorite.
he really wanted to take him home.

there was also some barnyard lovin.

and flying pigs.

harvest season is coming soon!!!

ray dreamin of a farm with baby goats.

rock on!!!

love it!!!!

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