A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

mr. keebs gets his day, fall garden update

precious baby boy cleveland park.

at work today a client came in with two female dogs that look amazing a lot like my dog cleveland park, a.k.a. mr. keebs. this got me thinking about what a wonderful dog the keebernator has been over the last couple of years. so i thought it would be fun to do a quick little snapshot of mr. keebs.

two female keebernator look a-likes.

baby cleveland.
little slice of angel food cake sent down from heaven.

oh they grow up so fast.
here we are now a teenager.

what are you guys doing??

hi mom.

ah, the infamous back porch dog couch.
now gone, but i'm sure not forgotten.


just wait, the lizard tongue WILL get you.

not to be upstaged, maisy had some cuteness of her own.

now that was fun. well folks, i'm not feeling very talkie tonight, so for a garden update i will simply show you some pictures of the fall garden taken this morning. a lot of the veggies are holding up surprisingly well in the cold night temps. but, we'll really see what they are made of in a few days when the night time lows dip down in to the 20s. burrrrrrrr!


i think the sage is done for.


swiss chard and chinese cabbage

leeks gone wild

spinach and a lettuce gone rogue.

mustard greens.

and now i'm going to bed with a cup of hot tea and curling up with some warm puppy bodies to catch up on some magazine reading. nite nite.

1 comment:

Sunya said...

Love the pics of Clev, he has grown to be such a big boy! I have become a blog addict and I love the links to other blogs you have.