A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

two is almost the loneliest number

two lonely little pepper seedlings. 
where are the rest of your fiends???
well here we are day 20 (i think i did my math wrong in the last post) and only two little pepper seedlings. by now there really should be more. looks like were gonna have to start all over again. i'm not giving up on one ones already planted, but to cover my bets i'm gonna do another grouping of each pepper. i just hope it's not to late. if we consider april 15th as the date to safely transplant the peppers outside, and go by the back of the seed packets that say to start indoors 8 weeks prior to transplant, that means i am 3 weeks behind. so hopefully i can get this new group going and ready to get in the ground by the first of may. then waiting the 80-100 days from transplant for the fruit, that puts us at the beginning of august before we see a pepper. oh crap, my head hurts. that really was the wrong thing to think about before i've even had my morning coffee...... be right back.

 aaahhhh, much better. 
larry's beans espresso with low temp steamed raw milk. lovely!!!

alright, enough whining about the peppers, let's talk tomatoes. at least they seem to be doing really well. they started off much better than the ones last year, and at day 20 are going strong. live and learn. once they get their true leaves they will be individually moved into big yogurt containers. last year i used those red plastic party cups, but i've since discovered that that is a bad plastic. this year i am reusing the #5 plastic yogurt containers that i have been saving. hopefully i will have enough containers. no seedling is wasted. it hurts my heart to much. last year i gave away quite a few plants, and one plant even survived a moved to mississippi. they will stay in the yogurt containers till they get transplanted outside. i'm hoping to have enough room to plant 2 of each tomato IN THE GROUND. no fooling with trying to grow them in large pots this year after the heinous bottom rot epidemic of 2009. that really sucked.

 look at them grow. 
grow seedlings, grow!

hillbilly potato leaf

cherry roma
 these babies were the first to sprout. 

 my little seed set up, for now. 
i’m gonna change the seed set up a little this weekend by bringing in a small table to place right next to the window so the seedlings can get a bit more light. not to mention that i really need to get all this wet stuff off my antique pub table. i’ll post another picture when i’m done. here is a little run down as to what kind of tomato and pepper seeds i'm working with.

tomatoes:  hillbilly potato leaf
                 beam’s yellow pear
                 martino’s roma 
                 cherry roma 

peppers: chervena chushka 
              garden sunshine 
              fish (yep, a pepper named fish)

weekend to do list:
sow a few more peas in the pea patch to fill in the gaps. (done)
finish indoor herb garden. 
transfer parsley seedlings into big yogurt containers.
direct sow some lettuce in the garden.
empty the kitchen counter compost into the bin outside (it's full and smelly).
spread the used coffee ground in the "north field." 
grind up the egg shells and spread them by the peas to help the tomatoes that are going there next.  
get another round of pepper seeds going (this time gonna soak those babies in some water overnight).
try to figure out why on a sunny saturday morning at 10 o'clock i am sitting here at my computer and not out in the garden!!!!!!!!!

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