A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

cabin fever: terrible for me, great for the pups.

wow, i really can't wait for a high of 48 degrees this weekend. i need, repeat, need to get out of this house for more than just a few hours at a time. with my car acting funny in the cold, and our street iced over to the point where everyone seems to be spinning out, so much so, that my poor neighbor was out in the middle of the road this morning spreading salt and hacking at the ice with a shovel, i've been somewhat home bound for the last couple of weeks. the dogs, however, seem to be just fine with mommy being home all the time. i got out of the shower this morning to find maisy passed out, not just sleeping, but seriously passed out on the guest bed in my office. just look at this......

just pitiful.

also, in celebration of veggie seed starting, i thought it fitting to add a little bit of spring to my step and wardrobe. today i am sporting a blue and white flowered top that i made and some cute little yellow flower ear rings. now off to the basement to start some seeds!!!!!!

i know, i know. i need to get out more.

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