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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

CSA week #4, 3G project week #6

gosh darn it, i'm over budget again!!! this is getting hard. but, i am one determined lady. i think i know where the problem lies. not enough meal planning, and purchasing items that i thought i needed, only to get home and realise that i had more than i needed to get me through the week. case in point...butter. i was running fairly low, and since we where at the soulard farmer's market getting coffee, i decided i needed more. my regular butter supplier was not there so i opted for the only other butter i could find. unfortunately, it was from unknown cows in unknown conditions and it wasn't until i got home that i read the ingredients: cream and natural flavorings. natural flavorings?? what the heck is that?? not to mention, i doubled checked on my butter status and saw that, if planned properly, i had enough butter to last at least another week. fart!!! see what happens when you panic people. so the new butter is going in the freezer for true emergencies, or i'll use it for cookies and pastries and save the good stuff for cooking and toast. also, i just might have a raw butter supplier here shortly and won't that be amazing!!!! till then, let's look at how i busted the budget this week.

week #4 csa along with some store bought items.

3G weekly breakdown

maude's market weekly csa: $30
2 sweet potatoes
1 tatsoi plant
a little bunch of radishes
radish shoots
2 giant pork chops
1 container of cuban black beans
1/2 gallon apple cider
1 dozen large happy chicken eggs ($4 extra)

soulard farmer's market
1 lb. butter $3.75
1/2 lb. org. coffee $4.50
loaf of black bear organic honey wheat bread $1.00
(that's right folks, they have a few days old bread for a dollar!!!!!!)

wholefoods/target: $30
1/2 gallon org. milk (x2)
jar of salsa
grass fed cheddar cheese
org. plain yogurt
1.5 lbs. org. rolled oats
org. blue corn chips

that comes to about $74.00 total
yikes!!!! the project bank is now negative $9.

hopefully in the coming weeks i can hunker down, keep an eagle eye on the spending, and start paying off the project bank debit and start saving up again for a super duper treat. and by that, i mean some of this.

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