A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

here she is!!!!!!!!!!

my pretty and sweet new bike. i originally wanted a more retro looking cruiser, but the hubby suggested something with smaller set handlebars for better city street maneuvering. so i went with a more commuter type bike. standing in the store, i thought no way will i ever figure out or use 21 different speeds. well let me tell you, over the two days of riding we've done, i think i've already used 2/3 of those speeds. everything from the waist down is killing me at this point, but i haven't had this much fun in quite awhile. and check it out, my basket from my previous bike fits just right.

now all i need to do is find some awesome plastic daisy's and sew myself a removable lining/carry all for my basket. then i want to get a rack for over my back wheel with some fun and retro looking storage things. soon the hubby and i can hit up the saturday farmer markets and pick up our csa all on our new bikes. oh yeah, and i also need a big flower covered bell or horn. i may, or may not, skip the streamers. you never know!!!!!   


StephB said...

Whoo! Pretty! I love the idea of a basket liner so your stuff doesn't fall out!

Anonymous said...

so cool - we both have new bikes - same kind of style too! check out my blog: http://sarahsmilesblog.wordpress.com/

Sunya said...

Cool bike...love Trek...I have two and love them both!

Kaleena said...

What a cute bike! I love the color!