lately there are three things that have been burning my butt. here they are in no particular order.....
1. the veganist chick that has been popping up all over the t.v.
this woman burns my butt for many reasons. i only wish i was a better writer so i could clearly and concisely spell out my complaints in regards to this issue. first let me say that i have not, and probably will never, read any of her books. i am basing this opinion solely on a few t.v appearances. once she was on oprah, and then again i saw her on one of the weekday morning shows spouting out about how going vegan will change your life and the world. first off the health benefits she is talking about are in regards to going vegan vs. a huge industrial, grain fed, confined meat diet, and NOT, vs. happy, healthy, small farm, pastured raised meat. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!! also, she suggest replacing meat with highly processed soy laden meat alternatives. have you ever read the ingredients on those things?? absolutely gross!!! any soy product that is not ferment first is not good for you. that's right all you soy milk drinkers, i repeat, not good for you. not to mention that most of the soy out there is controlled by some huge icky bad guys, sprayed with chemicals till an inch of their little plant lives, and genetically modified to boot. yuck, yuck, triple yuck!!!!
ok, so on the chicks website, at one point, they point out the benefits of your new vegan diet. let's take a brief look at those shall we.....
"effortless weight loss and maintenance:" not if your eating a crap load of sugar in those vegan cakes and cookies. sugar, if not burned up, turns to stored fat.
"greatly lowered risk of, and potentially even reversal of, major diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease:" yeah, if you ferment all that soy you are now eating, otherwise, i'm not to sure about that one folks.
"increased life expectancy and quality of life:" quality of life without raw milk butter?? i don't think so.
"avoidance of food poisoning and viruses:" tell that to all those folks who got sick eating tainted spinach.
"both short-term and long-term money savings:" cause shopping at wholefood to get all those meat alternatives is super cheap. sure.
"help to feed the global poor:" not when the two biggest crops in america are corn and soy. unless you think sodas and meatless chicken fingers are gonna solve that problem lady.
"reduction of global warming:" not when the majority of our veggies are shipped in from mexico, canada, peru, and god only knows where else. and, what?? you think that meatless chicken patty and meatless meat crumble grew on a tree like that and wasn't processed in a huge energy using factory?? silly girl.
"diminished animal suffering:" tell that to all those poor innocent helpless insects that have succumbed to the powers of roundup. ladybug killer!!!!
"increased spiritual awareness and personal growth:" just cause you're a vegan, doesn't mean that you can't be an asshole.
ok, enough of that.
2. beets.
i hate beets. ray loves them. i don't care how good they are for me. i don't care if they have lots of iron and stuff like that. they taste like dirt, and no amount of salt or butter will ever change that. so, needless to say, when we got beets in our csa, i made ray eat them. i ate a few just to confirm my hatred. the only way i could choke them down was to totally revert back to 2nd grade and hold my nose while i ate them. bleeech!!!
just cause you don't see a hunk of meat on that plate, don't think for a minute that the veganist is getting to me. cause the next morning i ate this.....
.... farm fresh happy chicken eggs, toast with plenty of raw milk butter and local honey, and a tall glass of raw cow milk. take that vegan lady!!!!
3. my new bike (which i do not have a picture of yet)
well this not so much burns my butt, per se, but it sure is hurting from yesterday's inaugural ride around town. ouchy!!!!!! viva la bicyclette!!!
hyperlink to the veganist chick pretty please?
I highly recommend getting a good saddle for you bike. You will love it so much more. Terry makes some of the best for women.
Here is the saddle that I use. keeps the sitting away from the ladyparts. You might want a sport or touring, but I have a racing one that Doug bought me on ebay for cheap. Oh, and assos. Google it.
I laughed out loud at your commentary on the vegan lady. That was my complaint about the otherwise neat
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