A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

tomato troubles, going from bad to worst.....

it's like a regular daytime soap opera here in the garden. just when the tomatoes are in the dirt and seem to be doing ok, i receive one pouch in the stomach after another. first, some critter dug up and destroyed one of the hillbilly potato leafs, and then one of the only two surviving violet jaspers dies. now, one by one, each of the little babies aren't looking so good. i just might have to bite the bullet and buy tomato starts this year and re-work my method for next season. hopefully i can find some interesting heirloom starts at the farmer's market tomorrow that will work out. boo hoo me.

at first their little home in the garden was so safe and promising. 
i made them milk jug cloches to keep off the evening chill.
now the jugs are being used as over night critter protectors.

the tiniest tomato plant ever.
i though they looked small in the yogurt containers.
they looked absolutely minuscule out in the garden next to the 6 foot stakes.

gone, but not forgotten. 
the HBPL on the left fell victim to the critters.

come on little guy, you can do it. 
grow, tomato, grow!!!!

garden note to self: plan for next year next year. rework the potting mix, start the tomatoes inside in little individual newspaper pots, give them worm castings on an earlier and regular basis, 1-3 weeks after transferring to bigger containers, move plants outside into a mini greenhouse to get warmer temps and more direct sunlight.

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