A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

tomato update: starting with starts

well folks, there have been quite a few changes in the garden since the last post. my little babies weren't growing in the garden at all, so i had to face the cold hard fact, that if i wanted some tasty homegrown tomatoes and peppers this season, i was gonna have to get me some store bought starts. so, i buckled under my own self induced pressure and went on the hunt for plants. luckily, the nursery down the street had really good prices, and actually had a few heirloom varieties that looked interesting. unfortunately, they didn't have heirloom varieties with the peppers. i went on a little field trip around town, and found that neither did anyone else, not even at the farmer's markets. therefore, i gave the love to my local neighborhood folks and went  back for a few more tomato plants and about 6 different peppers. i'll write about the peppers later, for now, let's look at the first group of tomato starts.

aren't these starts nice looking!!!
amish paste: a paste for fresh eating and canning.
green zebra: for fresh cold soups and salads.
mr. stripey: for fresh eating and sandwiches.

my tiny little sad tomato plants.

the side by side comparison is ever so devastating to my garden ego.

new starts in the dirt with milk jug critter protectors.
hopefully this will help reduce the destruction.

my favorite lunch in the whole world.
hopefully this is just a taste of whats to come.

and now that we have our new awesome blue picnic table made from recycled pallets, there will be many evenings of eating outside and watching the garden grow.


Kaleena said...

I LOVE the table!!

Kaleena said...

I LOVE the table!!