A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

i'm back

hello there folks!! i'm back from vacation with lots to talk about, but for now just a quick hello. here are just a few photos from our trip across tennessee for the holidays visiting family and friends.

me and ray goofing around at rutledge falls near tullahoma, tn.

my mommie's mommie looking good.
come back now ya here!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just adore reading your blog! When I have a few minutes to steal away, I enjoy seeing what you've been doin' and COOKING! Your recipes are mouth-watering! We share a bit of a kindred spirit, as I am also a 1. Dork (ha-ha! got that out of the way first) 2. have a small garden (wish it was bigger) 3. dying to move out of a subdivision to a home with acreage 4. I sew! 5. yes, many years ago I made several flannel dresses that I wore around the house as I did chores. They were wonderfully comfortable, and I felt so like Laura Ingalls Wilder. I think the home cookin' tastes better in a dress like that!
Have fun making your dresses and I hope I get to stop by and read more often. 4 kids makes that a challenge :-)

--Katy Daniel Cook
ps - two of my favorite garden books are
1. Let it Rot (book about composting)
2. The square foot Garden

Have your read these? They're awesome!