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Thursday, June 4, 2009

mr. keebs and his big satellite head

is their anybody out there, 1 2 3, on the satellite radio.

poor mr. pouty pants keebs. yesterday i took him and maisy into work so cleveland could get that wart thing taken off his muzzle. it was ugly and getting bigger. didn't really look like a canine papilloma virus wart, could be a histiocytoma (please let it just be a histiocytoma), but since mass cell tumors are the great imitators, it had to come off and get sent out to the lab so i can sleep at night knowing what is was that was growing on my poor little man's face. and folks can laugh and point at me all they want, but yes i sent it out to the lab, and yes i did pre anesthetic blood work, and yes mr. keebs got an iv cath and fluids for his surgery. he is my and ray's bestest friend (well him and maisy moo lynn) and that's how i roll. let's all keep our fingers crossed while we wait for the biopsy report to come back.

look at mr. pouty pants!!!!!!!!!!

since he didn't rest at all the entire day while we were at work, mr. keeberton fell fast asleep the minute we got in the car.
maisy is happy to be going home as well.

well i would have taken a before and after picture of his muzzle where we took the growth off, but they snuck him into surgery and were finished before i knew it. those sneaking sneakertons!!!! but since little man tends to act like a freak when i am around, it is probably for the best. i heard he did really well and behaved himself. plus i told him that if he didn't act right he would have to deal with "pig girl" and that bitch is scary.

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