A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

the peas survived!!!!!

good news folks, the peas are alive and well. at first i was a little concerned that i planted them to early. but then on day 9 they started to poke out of the soil. how cute they were, these tiny little green babies. and just as the weather started to warm up and the peas began to grow, and i dragged my scandals out from the back of my closet, we were hit with a small dusting of snow and a cold snap. still, no big concern. i had peas survive an unexpected frost in the greenville garden, surely a light layer of snow flakes wouldn't be anything the peas couldn't handle. but then, on day 25, this happened......

what the junk!!!!! march 26th and 4 inches of the white stuff!!!!!

but, i am happy to report that as of today, the peas are looking pretty darn good. now the debate is, do i sow the rest of my peas in the garden, and hope that they are ready to harvest before i need that space for peppers and tomatoes?? or perhaps, maybe i should use a couple of the free coffee sacks i acquired, and do a raised bed kinda thingy?? i'll have to think about that. cause i do like me some peas, and never seem to plant enough to keep me satisfied. what the hey!!! let's plant them all!!!

you can never have to many peas!!!!!!!

garden note to self: 2 rows of both progress #9 and green arrow peas were direct sown on 3/11. progress #9 were the first to germinate 9 days later, and green arrow followed shortly after that. by day 19 each type were growing well at about 1-2 inches tall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your photography is beautiful, and I'm pulling for your peas to really take off!