A more text based companion blog to my more photo based garden blog at growlettucegrow.wordpress.com. Thanks for visiting.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

fall garden covered

a little garden update... not much of a fall garden happening here. i did manage to plant some turnips, beets, and mustard greens along with the swiss chard from earlier this season that is still going pretty strong. with the temps getting pretty low in the evening, i decided to put some row cover over the plants. since i didn't really build anything or plan for this, my little jacked up system consisted of a few poles with either wine or beer bottles placed over them so the poles wouldn't poke through the fabric, four sheets of row cover, and some landscaping staple thingys to secure down the cover. next year i hope to have a nicer looking system, but till then this seems to be working pretty well.

before cover.

after cover.
after this picture was taken i also made a little tent like home 
out of row cover for the swiss chard as well.

hey man, it's cozy in here.

1 comment:

steph said...

Very ingenious re-use of beer and wine bottles! : )